Annual dental exam
When should your child first see a dentist? How often should you go to the dentist for an exam and cleaning? What is the purpose of a dental exam? These are some of the questions we are often asked.
First, it’s important to know that dental exams are important at all ages and at regular intervals. These exams allow us to check your oral health, prevent dental problems, establish a diagnosis, and propose a treatment plan, if necessary.

What is your dentist looking for during a dental exam?
Your dentist checks your overall oral health and, more particularly, assesses the health and position of your teeth. The condition of the gums, tongue, soft tissues, palate, inside of the cheeks, and jaw is also assessed. Your dentist will also look for signs of oral cancer, cavities, gum infections, and abnormal tooth wear and fillings. This exam helps identify problems early on and treat them quickly in order to avoid much more costly treatments.
During your visit, we may need to take X-rays to make an accurate diagnosis. These are safe as radiation doses are very low.
It is also important to inform us of any changes in your health.
Your child’s first visit to the dentist
According to the Canadian Dental Association, you should ideally visit the dentist within six months of the eruption of your child’s first teeth. The main purpose of this first visit is to check how the teeth and jaw are growing, detect any speech, chewing, or cosmetic problems in time, and, above all, verify if their oral hygiene is adequate as well as get them used to visiting the dentist.
What is the ideal frequency for a dental exam and cleaning?
It depends on many factors, such as your oral health, general health, and oral hygiene. We will determine the frequency according to your needs and availability.
Contact us if you have any questions and to make an appointment. We look forward to seeing to you!